Norfolk County Council has urged people to be careful as more new scams emerge.

From fake police officers to companies that lock people in subscription traps, here is a round-up of the scams you need to know about this week.

Emails claiming to be from HMRC 

The council has reshared previous warnings to ignore emails claiming to be from HMRC.

The emails are titled "notification regarding your tax rebate" and claim the recipient is due an immediate refund. 

They are asked to click a link that says "finalise your refund".

This is not a genuine email and HMRC has stated it will never send notifications of a tax rebate or refund by email.

Subscription traps

People have reported being automatically signed up for various membership clubs after purchasing something from a catalogue.

These clubs are very difficult to leave.

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The council advises people to be persistent and make every effort to cancel.

People should also speak to their bank to block any future payments.

Emails claiming to warn of a virus

Several people have reported receiving an email telling them their electronic device has a virus.

The emails state that there has been a 'suspicious virus detected' on the device.

It goes on to say "it may soon corrupt your sim card, data, photos and contacts if no action is taken".

The email instructs them to click a link to resolve the problem.

Anyone following the link will be taken to a phishing website that will attempt to gather personal and financial information.

Scam callers claiming to be police officers

People living in the Watton, Great Ellingham, Attleborough and Necton areas have reported receiving calls from people pretending to be police officers.

The caller claims there are issues with the recipient's bank accounts and that they need to transfer their funds to a "safe account" to prevent further loss.

In one case a victim lost £8,000.

Norfolk police have said people should not engage with calls like these.

What do I do if I think someone is trying to scam me?

If you believe someone has tried to scam you with a fake telephone call, email or text, you can call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133.

You can forward suspicious emails to the National Cyber Security Centre by forwarding them to

Anyone who receives a call from somebody posing as a police officer should hang up and call 101 on another phone if possible.