Thetford's litter is being turned into tourist attractions!

The Thetford Business Forum (TBF) recently rolled out its THET ZERO campaign, linking nearby businesses with 18 schools, colleges and nurseries to create sculptural trail pieces from waste materials.

This engaging venture aims to enlighten students about waste and recycling within businesses.

Schools were partnered with businesses that provided the materials for their sculptures.

Thetford's THET ZERO sculpture trail promotes recycling and sustainability Thetford's THET ZERO sculpture trail promotes recycling and sustainability (Image: Submitted)

Pupils were encouraged to visit their partner enterprises to understand their operational processes and where the sculpture materials fit into the project.

The completed sculptures have become part of a town trail course running this summer.

The trail course is available from various outlets in Thetford until September 4.

Families can follow the trail, which meanders through the town, collecting facts and anecdotes along the way.

Successful trail participants can collect a 'flower bomb' gift at the end, either to plant in their own garden or in designated town planters.

The trail can be seen throughout the town The trail can be seen throughout the town (Image: Submitted)

Steve Jackson, joint chairman of the THET ZERO Eco Committee, said: “Thet Zero has three aims: working with local businesses to reduce their carbon emissions, facilitating a greater working relationship between local schools and businesses, with the first project being the Sculpture Trail and raising awareness of the biodiversity we have in Thetford and the surrounding area All three have separate working groups with action plans to help achieve the overall aims.”

Lucy Nixon, joint chairwoman of THET ZERO Committee and from Thetford Garden Centre, said: “We had the idea of linking schools and businesses, for the benefit of both, and the sculpture trail is just the start of this.

"We’re all very excited to see the finished designs and having children trailing all over town to find them."