Following a rocky start, a bid to open a new bar on the coast is gathering support among villagers.

The owners of East Norfolk Cider, an award-winning brewery based in Scratby, want to open a tap room in neighbouring Ormesby St Margaret.

The original application prompted concern among some villagers that the bar could become a "noise nuisance".

But Russell Watson, who runs the brewery, has revised the plans and confirmed the venue would open from 12pm to 8pm Sunday to Wednesday and 12pm to 9pm Thursday to Saturday.

Russell Watson at East Norfolk Cider, Scratby. Russell Watson at East Norfolk Cider, Scratby. (Image: Denise Bradley)

Following the revisions, Ormesby with Scratby Parish Council dropped their objection to the plans. 

The application has also received support from two villagers who said the bar "would be a great addition to the parish".

One said: "I'm sure Mr Watson will manage it very well and ensure those living close by will not be disrupted."

The bar would be called the Butcher's Tap Room and showcase the brewery's own cider and apple juice, as well as selling a selection of local ales, spirits and wine, and hot drinks and snacks.

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The former estate agents on Wapping in Ormesby that could reopen as a bar selling local cider and ale. The former estate agents on Wapping in Ormesby that could reopen as a bar selling local cider and ale. (Image: Google Maps)

The proposed location is on Wapping in a former estate agents, Town and Country, which closed down in September last year.

The original plans were facing objections from some 14 residents who raised concerns about the potential impacts of noise from the bar.

In a letter to planning officals, sent on July 14, Mr Watson outlined measures the bar would use for reducing noise. 

These would include signs asking customers to respect residents when leaving the premises and the door remaining closed while the premises are open.

"Our target customers are people that appreciate locally produced, small batch breweries and distilleries, which are not available in the larger group tied public houses," Mr Watson said.

Ormesby once had three public houses and now has only one, The Farmers on West Road.