Plans for electric car chargers look set to get the go-ahead - despite sparking a village revolt.

West Norfolk Council has been recommended to approve proposals for eight charging bays at Hillington Service Station, on the A148 near King's Lynn.

It comes despite objections from locals and Hillington Parish Council, which described it as "a terrible plan that should not go ahead".

"This has the potential to cause chaos in Summer when there is already frequently a queue to get into the service station," the council added.

"Add in the dreadful visibility when exiting the service station in a car and the ludicrous 'safety island' and we have a disaster waiting to happen."

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A report to councillors says 16 objections were received to the plans, by the Motor Fuel Group.

Sarah Foster posted on the council's planning portal: "I feel that the garage is already at maximum capacity, cars are having to reverse off the forecourt onto the main road.

"It's extremely difficult to pull in and exit the garage. This will be made worse by larger charging areas and no parking."

Emma Armitage added: "My husband and I object to this planning application due to cars already queuing on the A148 for the petrol pumps.

"When this happens they hold up the traffic without any consideration for other road users. Permitting these charging points will add to the amount of cars pulling in and out of the garage."

Concerns were also raised over noise from the chargers' fans, which prevent them from overheating.

But a report to councillors said the proposals would not lead to "adverse impacts on highway safety" and the layout of the site was acceptable.

It added a noise impact assessment concluded the proposal would have "minimal increased impacts" on nearby homes.

Councillors on West Norfolk's planning committee are set to discuss the plans on Monday, July 29.