A 31-year-old Mildenhall man accused of dangerous driving in a Waitrose car park in Bury St Edmunds will have to wait until February 2026 for his trial to take place because of the backlog of cases in the criminal justice system.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday for a plea and trial preparation hearing was Jamie Denyer of Sand Acre Close, Mildenhall.

He pleaded not guilty to driving a Ford hatchback car dangerously in the car park of Waitrose in Robert Boby Way, in Bury St Edmunds, on November 5 last year.

He also denied criminal damage to two cars and two offences of common assault on the same date.

Denyer’s trial, which is expected to last three days, will take place during a two week warned list commencing February 23, 2026 and there will be a pre-trial hearing on February 19, 2026.

Denyer, who has no previous convictions, is on bail, the court was told.