The leader of a mountain bike group in a village just outside of Norwich has vowed to rebuild its ramp park after it was demolished by the council. 

Ashley Glanfield, 20, was one of a number of biking enthusiasts who built a dirt track with jumps and ramps in Poringland Wood nearly three years ago.

But a week ago, South Norfolk Council shocked the village when it used bulldozers to completely raze the site, leaving it a muddy mess. 

Ramps and jumps were demolished by South Norfolk Council last weekRamps and jumps were demolished by South Norfolk Council last week (Image: Ashley Glanfield)

"We're ashamed by their decision," he said. 

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"It was such a good place for young kids to have fun within the community and a lot of us are very upset."

Ashley helped build the ramps at Poringland Wood a number of years agoAshley helped build the ramps at Poringland Wood a number of years ago (Image: Ashley Glanfield)

The authority reasoned that the park was unauthorised and unlawful. 

Ashley claims permission was given to build it by the Colman family who owns the land more than two years ago. 

But because the permission was not received in writing, the group could do little to save it when heavy machinery descended on the doomed site. 

The nearest park where Poringland and Framingham Earl with mountain bike tracks is now "miles and miles" away, according to Ashley.

A notice issued by South Norfolk CouncilA notice issued by South Norfolk Council (Image: Steven Morgan)

"Mousehold Heath is the closest I can think of and that's at least 40 minutes away which is a long way to go every day.

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"And the roads to the city are very dangerous for kids who could really use a resource like the park close by."

Ashley vows to rebuildAshley vows to rebuild (Image: Ashley Glanfield)

He and more than 30 members of his biking group are now searching for a suitable location to build a new park. 

"We want it to be a very communal effort where all the kids can pitch in and help build it, just like the original.

"There's so few resources like it in the area and it would do a lot of good."