A 22-year-old man has appeared in court charged with causing the death of a van driver by careless driving and serious injury to another man involved in a five-vehicle collision.

Marcin Zablotny, 37, died at the scene of the crash on the A1122 on the outskirts of Downham Market on January 18, 2023.

Marcin Zablotny, who died in the crash on the A1122 at Downham Market on January 18, 2023Marcin Zablotny, who died in the crash on the A1122 at Downham Market on January 18, 2023 (Image: Supplied by Norfolk police)

James Porter of Church Drove, Outwell, has been charged with causing Mr Zablotny's death by driving his Vauxhall Nova without due care and attention on that day.

Porter has also been charged with causing serious injury to Leigh Carter during the same incident, which involved three cars, a lorry and a van.

The scene of the crash on the A1122 at Downham MarketThe scene of the crash on the A1122 at Downham Market (Image: Chris Bishop)

King's Lynn magistrates adjourned the case to be heard at Norwich Crown Court on August 15.

Porter, who spoke only to confirm his name during the brief hearing, was granted unconditional bail.