A six-year fight to have 34 new homes built in a posh part of the city looks to be nearing an end. 

Planning permission to build the homes in St Giles Park, Cringleford was first lodged in December 2018 but years of red tape and nearly a hundred objections have stalled progress. 

Big Sky Living has already developed much of the land south of the Roundhouse roundabout on the A11 and it may now finally fill the gap after a raft of amendments and revisions to the initial plan. 

The 34 homes would be built in St Giles Park, just off the A11 in CringlefordThe 34 homes would be built in St Giles Park, just off the A11 in Cringleford (Image: Google Maps)

The first draft proposed 42 homes on the plot, with around 500sq/m of commercial floorspace, but more than 80 objections were received by South Norfolk Council. 

READ MORE: New homes get go-ahead on city outskirts despite objections from locals

Much of St Giles Park has already been developedMuch of St Giles Park has already been developed (Image: Google Maps)

Concerns from neighbours ranged from significantly increased traffic to the creation of "unnecessary" rat runs and bottlenecks with the construction of a new access road to Cantley Lane. 

One comment said the "unnecessary" expansion would "undermine the quality of Cringleford village itself".

Having revised its area plan - including reducing the number of homes and reassessing ecological impact - Big Sky hopes the new proposal will be approved as it goes before planning officials again. 

The initial plans have been changed from 42 homes to 34 following a raft of objectionsThe initial plans have been changed from 42 homes to 34 following a raft of objections (Image: South Norfolk Council)