A disabled man has been left "distraught" after he was left housebound after his mobility scooter was stolen.

Mark Chapman was left in disbelief when he discovered the scooter was missing from outside his home in Louise Close, Great Yarmouth on Wednesday, July 10.

READ MORE: CCTV released as police search for man after e-bike theft

Mr Chapman purchased the mobility scooter after he was injured in a motorbike accident in January.

The incident left him with a broken leg and collar bone which required him to undergo a major operation that forced him to learn to walk again.

Mr Chapman, who previously worked as a carer to support his partner Sharon Fiske who is permanently disabled, was told he “may never work again”.

CCTV captured the mobility scooter being returned with damages after Ms Fiske reported the theft on social mediaCCTV captured the mobility scooter being returned with damages after Ms Fiske reported the theft on social media (Image: Sharon Fiske)

Ms Fiske said: "He was absolutely distraught when the scooter was stolen, he was supposed to go to physiotherapy that day.

"He physically can't walk because his wound hasn’t healed from the operation.

"He ended up using my mobility scooter and went around the whole of Yarmouth looking for it."

After reporting the theft, the police said they were unable to come to the property to investigate the incident until a week later, on Thursday, July 18.

Following several bike and scooter thefts in the area, Ms Fiske believes the same person is responsible.

In a turn of events, CCTV footage caught a woman returning the distinctive,  blue, three-wheeler mobility scooter five days later.

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Ms Fiske contacted police on Sunday, July 14 after the vehicle was returned when the woman parked it, wiped the handlebars and walked off.

Extensive damage was caused to it, including missing mirrors and a ripped arm and seat cover.

Ms Fiske said: "He still can't use it and I'm constantly checking the CCTV to make sure the scooter is still there."