A fraudster pretending to be a police officer has fleeced a victim out of £8,000.

Scammers have targeted people across the Breckland area of Norfolk by calling victims and asking them to transfer money.

Recent cases have seen people in Watton, Great Ellingham, Attleborough and Necton become victims of the con artists. 

Breckland Police has warned the public to stay vigilant and local beat managers in Swaffham have set up scam awareness talks.

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The scam, known as courier fraud, cost people across the UK £28.7m last year with scammers increasingly targeting pensioners.

Several techniques are used to convince victims to hand over their bank details or cash, which may then be passed on to a courier.

Banks and the police will never ask someone to withdraw money, purchase items, or ask for details such as account numbers or PINs.