A 42-year-old man with more than 100 previous convictions who was once described by a judge as being “dishonest to the core" has admitted a string of further offences.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Tuesday was Michael Shrigley of Old Croxton Road, Thetford.

He admitted two offences of burglary, five thefts or attempted thefts from vehicles and breaching a criminal behaviour order and was jailed for 18 months.

Simon Gladwell, prosecuting, said in September last year Shrigley broke into a barn at a property in Fen Lane in East Harling and stole tools worth £1,500.

In October last year he broke into a garage next to a house in Victor Charles Close in Weeting, near Brandon, and stole mountain bikes worth £1,900.

Shrigley had also broken into a van belonging to an electrician in October last year and stole tools worth £1,800.

Jonathan Goodman, for Shrigley, said that since his arrest his client had been recalled to prison until July 2025.

He said Shrigley had used drugs in the past but was now clean.

In 2022 Shrigley, who has more than 100 previous convictions, admitted a string of burglaries and thefts across Suffolk and Norfolk involving stolen property worth thousands of pounds.

He was jailed for four years and three months and was described by the sentencing judge as “dishonest to the core".

On that occasion he admitted three offences of handling stolen goods, dangerous driving, driving without insurance, going equipped for theft, fraud, four burglaries and five thefts from cars.

He also asked for nine offences to be considered including five offences of burglary, three offences of theft and one offence of fraud.

The court heard that the stolen property involved in the offences to be considered was worth more than £13,000.

In addition to being jailed, he was made the subject of a 10-year criminal behaviour order.