Plans to extend a beach chalet have been given the go-ahead despite objections and flood risk fears.

West Norfolk Council has agreed proposals to extend Brincliffe, at Heacham South Beach.

The plans include adding an extra storey to the property, moving the kitchen, dining room and lounge off the ground floor and reducing the number of bedrooms from four to three.

The scheme is a scaled-down version of proposals to extend the property which were refused permission last August because they would have made it "unduly prominent".

Seven objections were received to the current application - half the number the previous bid attracted.

They included Kay Wade-Gery, who said: "This proposed development will be to the detriment of all the neighbours down the south end of South Beach Road.

The property is down a private road which runs alongside Heacham South BeachThe property is down a private road which runs alongside Heacham South Beach (Image: Chris Bishop)

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"The size and design of this structure is such a departure from the sweet original beach house that already exists."

Leah Stirling added: "The current planning proposals for the property are more in keeping style-wise with other houses in the area but the size of the building is just too great."

Heacham Parish Council and West Norfolk council's emergency planning officer objected on grounds of flood risk.

But a planning officer's report said: "It is considered that the changes and additions to the main dwelling, while a more modern and contemporary take, are reasonable and maintain the established general appearance, bulk and scale of the existing dwelling."

Regarding flood risk, it added: "It is important to first note that this is a householder extension to an existing dwelling and is not considered tantamount to a new dwelling."

It added the Environment Agency had not objected because there was no increase in the number of habitable rooms.