A major housing employer has pledged its support to armed forces members and their families through guaranteed job interviews and other benefits.

Flagship Group has made the commitment after signing the Armed Forces Covenant.

Other benefits pledged include commercial discounts and a dedicated support network.

The covenant, signed in late June by Flagship's director of people and workplaces, Lisa Collen, and group captain Fred Wigglesworth, station commander at RAF Marham, acts as a promise of respect for those in the armed forces community.

 Group Captain Fred Wigglesworth, Station Commander at RAF Marham, speaks about the importance of the Armed Forces Covenant Group Captain Fred Wigglesworth, Station Commander at RAF Marham, speaks about the importance of the Armed Forces Covenant (Image: Submitted)

Ms Collen said: “This covenant is more than a commitment.

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"It’s a promise to the armed forces community that we will strive to ensure they are treated with the dignity and respect they have earned through their service.”

Group Captain Wigglesworth said: “It is truly reassuring to note that Flagship Group recognise and value the skills and qualities that members of the service family possess and acknowledge the significant contribution they provide to our country, our businesses, and our local communities."