A petition has been started to stop Breckland council's plans for car park charges across its five towns.

Last week Breckland Council announced it would be introducing car park charges in Dereham, Swaffham, Attleborough, Thetford and Watton.

Many people living and working in these towns have spoken out against the decision, with some calling it 'an end to business' in the areas

The petition, which was created on July 11, hopes to "stop the unnecessary and punitive car parking charges for the market towns of Breckland". 

Breckland's Labour group, who started the petition, said: "It will be small-to-medium business who will bear the brunt of these new costs as customers will continue to pour into out-of-town national retail outlets.

The group also said: "We endlessly hear what a 'prudent' council Breckland is, yet here they are imposing a tax on the motorist because of an overspend almost the same day as they announced a historic £600,000 windfall being placed into reserves."

So far, the petition has acquired over 250 signatures, with a goal of 500.

If you wish to sign the petition, you can find it here: https://t.ly/HVpIr