A man had to be rescued after being swept out to sea by a riptide.

The coastguard was called at around 7.40pm on Thursday to people in the water at the far west end of Cromer promenade.

A crew from the RNLI launched a water search under Cromer Pier and on the shoreline.

READ MORE: WATCH: RNLI crew rescue man and dog struggling against rough sea waves

Another person was swimming out to help the man who was struggling against the water.

Cromer PierCromer Pier (Image: Denise Bradley)

The person that called in the incident was on the scene and had eyes on the swimmers.

The Coastguard then updated that the two people were out of the water and with the police on shore.

Cromer RNLI D Class inshore lifeboatCromer RNLI D Class inshore lifeboat (Image: RNLI/Neil Longdin)

Both of the swimmers managed to get back to shore before the lifeboat arrived on scene.

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They were given casualty care advice and were walking and talking, but were very tired.

The crew handed them over to the coastguard and the ambulance crew then arrived on scene.

Tim Ballard, Cromer RNLI inshore life boat crew said: "This was a great outcome but as our beaches get busier over the summer it is a reminder of the risks from rips."