A mysterious knitter has been keeping the fabric of a seaside town up to date with creations inspired by current events. 

Always up-to-the-minute, the latest postbox topper to appear in Sheringham's Nelson Road has been inspired by Wimbledon. 

The topper features two tennis players enjoying a rally, complete with ball boys and strawberries. 

Celebrating St Andrew's Day in November (Image: Richard Farrow) Previous creations have included nods to the RNLI's 200th anniversary, Christmas and the town's Viking festival.

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The knitter's identity remains a mystery but they are reportedly happy to be known as the "Nelson Road Knitter". 
A nativity scene at Christmas (Image: Richard Farrow)

Richard Farrow, who lives locally and enjoys taking photographs of the creations, posted the latest design on Facebook, where it received lots of praise from others.

And with the Wimbledon final this weekend, it is safe to assume the Nelson Road Knitter is working hard on their next design. 

A red dragon to celebrate the Chinese New Year in January (Image: Richard Farrow) A spring-themed topper (Image: Richard Farrow) In celebration of Sheringham Viking Festival in April (Image: Richard Farrow) A maypole dancing structure to celebrate May Day (Image: Richard Farrow) In honour of the RNLI's 200th anniversary in July (Image: Richard Farrow)