A swan that suffered injuries in a brutal attack is "back where he belongs" following a course of veterinary treatment.

The bird - which lives at the Selbrigg pond in Hempstead, near Holt - was found covered in blood with two puncture wounds on the afternoon of June 18.

The swan was found covered in blood last monthThe swan was found covered in blood last month (Image: John Mears)

John Mears, who often walks in the area with his wife Val, spotted that his favourite swan was discoloured and "not himself" and quickly called for help.

The swan was taken to the RSPCA centre at East Winch and treated for its injuries, which are believed to have been caused by another animal.

He spent almost a month in the care of the RSPCAHe spent almost a month in the care of the RSPCA (Image: John Mears)

He remained there for almost a month until he returned home on Thursday morning.

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Mr Mears was thrilled to see him back at the pond.

He is now 'back where he belongs'He is now 'back where he belongs' (Image: John Mears)

"It was so good to see the male and female reunited," he said. "They are one happy family again - he’s now back where he belongs."

Mr Mears had built a relationship with the bird before the attack and worried about him while he was away.

He explained: "We have known him for a long time - he will run his bill on the back of my hand when we meet as his way of saying hello.

"It was horrible to see him like that."