A dog owner has thanked the RNLI for its quick response after he was rescued from rough waves having jumped into the sea to rescue his pet.

Curtis Johnson entered the water at Cromer after his dog Rex jumped off the sea wall but was then unable to get out.

Onlookers called HM Coastguard and two RNLI volunteers in the town immediately headed to their promenade.

READ MORE: Dog owner runs into water to save ‘best buddy’ who fell over sea wall

They threw Mr Johnson a life ring and kept him calm until a lifeboat arrived.

The dramatic incident - at around 7am last Saturday - was filmed by local angler Andy Siddall, who called the Coastguard on 999.

Mr Johnson, from Sudbury, in Suffolk, was unfamiliar with the area when he briefly let Rex off the lead on a walk along the coast.

He then "panicked" after Rex unexpectedly jumped over the sea wall.


Curtis Johnson with RexCurtis Johnson with Rex (Image: Curtis Johnson)

Mr Johnson said: "It was such a shock. I entered the water as safely as I could and got to Rex. However, it was clear it wasn't going to be easy to get out."

The situation quickly turned into an emergency as strong and powerful waves cut Mr Johnson off from the promenade steps.

Rex was not familiar with the Cromer seafront Rex was not familiar with the Cromer seafront (Image: Curtis Johnson/RNLI)

Both dog and owner were being thrown around in the water, close to the sea wall, as the tide quickly came in.

READ MORE: Three stranded beachgoers and dog rescued by RNLI

Kevin Johnson, from the RNLI, said: "Given the high tide and a lively sea state, plus the large rocks in the water, as part of the current sea defence work we had to carefully work as a team to effect a safe rescue."

Mr Johnson said: "I urge people to not let their dogs off leads when near water, regardless of their recall.

"Rex and I are ok but very shaken by our experience and I want my story to help others stay safe at the coast".