The new owners of an outdoor swimming pool for dogs have "absolutely loved" their first five months in business. 

Rachel Hall and Tracy Wollard-Kelly, who were initially employees at Canine Dip and Dive, bought the Wymondham franchise in February. 

"Both of us have completely fallen in love with it. For me personally, I've worked at other places before and not really enjoyed it, but I just love it here," Ms Hall said. 

Canine Dip and Dive Wymondham can be found at Centre Paws on Barnham Broom Road.

It first opened at Centre Paws four years ago, and the pair worked for the business for a year before purchasing it. 

The business offers dog pool parties, puppy swimming sessions, one-to-one sessions for nervous dogs and support for older canines.

"This is really a space for dogs to have fun," said Ms Hall. 

Chloe takes a giant leap from the diving dock.Chloe takes a giant leap from the diving dock. (Image: Rachel Hall)
"Much of what we do is working with dogs that are too nervous to swim. 

"One particular dog, aged five, has become a regular swimmer. When she first came, she couldn’t be walked because of significant health issues and her owner was really worried about the dogs mental health.

"She has been coming twice a week and is now able to start walking again. 

"It's a great place for them to regain their confidence."

Freddy's enjoying a lovely swim.Freddy enjoys a lovely swim. (Image: Rachel Hall)

Ms Hall admits that the last few months have had their challenges.

She said the biggest one was the navigation of social media to spread the word of the business' activities.

"We've had a lot of laughs trying to figure out TikTok. Although it's been a steep learning curve, it has been hilarious," said Ms Hall.

For more information, you can contact the business on 07940 547066.