A bookworm teacher whose love of reading is catching on at her school has landed a top national prize.

Charlotte Squirrell, who teaches Year 5 and 6 at Moorlands Primary Academy in Belton, has been recognised for promoting reading among her pupils by the Open University (OU).

Miss Squirrell has been named 'Reading for Pleasure Early Career Teacher of the Year' - a national award presented to her by the OU at a conference this year.

(Image: Moorlands Primary Academy)

The award came in recognition of her work to ensure the Belton school has a diverse range of books - helping children to embrace reading for pleasure as well as necessity.

It saw the school receive £250 in book vouchers and Miss Squirrell receive a personal letter of congratulations from War Horse author Michael Morpurgo.

She said: "I am incredibly proud to have won this award - the impact reading for pleasure can have on children is enormous.

"It is lovely to have been recognised for promoting this across the school."

Jon Biddle, English lead at the school, added: "Although she is only in the third year of her career, she has developed into an extremely effective teacher who has children at the heart of everything she does."