A Norfolk town has been named one of the UK's most stylish places to live.

King's Lynn came 26th in Furniturebox's list of 60 locations.

The results came from a survey completed by people across the country.

Participants were asked to rank places based on four criteria: the beauty of the buildings, how stunning the scenery is, how 'Instagrammable' it is and its popularity with artists and filmmakers. 

Grassington in North Yorkshire came out on top, closely followed by Bourton-on-the-Water in Gloucestershire in second and Deal in Kent in third.

King's Lynn ranked higher than some of the UK's most notoriously beautiful locations such as Mumbles in West Glamorgan, which came 48th.

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A spokeswoman for Furniturebox said: "All 60 places on the list would have been worthy winners and they show why the UK is such a stylish country, loved by artists, filmmakers and tourists from all over the world.

"We found it really interesting to see how influential Instagram has become in boosting tourism in many of our top 60.

"It is a massive help for visitor numbers too, if a popular film or TV show uses a town as a location.

"Most of the locations in the top 60 are not the most affluent or fashionable in their counties.

"The results show that style can be achieved regardless of budget, and that's something we champion at Furniturebox, too."