Wet conditions are set to continue with the Met Office saying "unsettled weather" across the UK will leave Norfolk waiting for summer to return.

Echoing the dull start to June, the cool summer has continued in July with temperatures in the high teens and low 20s joined by frequent periods of cloud and rain.

Over the next few weeks, the weather forecast is set to follow a similar theme with outbreaks of rain predicted across the UK.

READ MORE: What will Norfolk's weather by like this July?

While this weekend will see drier conditions with sunny spells, there will still be showers with temperatures below average for the time of year.

July 10 to July 14

A weakening band of rain and showers is expected to move south Thursday.

Drier weather with sunny spells is expected on Friday and Saturday, although there will still be some scattered showers. 

Met Office weather forecast on Friday, July 12Met Office weather forecast on Friday, July 12 (Image: Met Office)

July 14 to July 23

Into the weekend, conditions will be mostly cool to average with some showers at times, most settled in the north west.

The first part of the new week is likely to see a mixture of rain or showers move in from the south west.

A more westerly breeze will see temperatures settle to just above average, feeling warm in sunnier periods outside of heavy showers or thunderstorms.

A more settled spell will take place mid-week in the south, possibly spreading to much of the UK, before a more showery northwest flow resumes.

Winds after the weekend will be mostly light to moderate, though gusty conditions with heavy showers and thunderstorms remain likely.

READ MORE: 'Extremely rare' weather phenomenon spotted shining in Norfolk's skies

July 24 to August 7

There are some signs of a more settled spell developing at some point during this period, perhaps more likely in the south.

However, unsettled interludes are probable too.

Above average temperatures are expected and drier than average conditions are slightly favoured.