The family of a former worker at Bernard Matthews are appealing for help to establish how he was exposed to the asbestos that claimed his life.

Roger Lambert, 70, died from mesothelioma, a terminal cancer of the lining of the lung linked to exposure to asbestos, often decades previously.

After he was diagnosed with the disease, Roger, of Alby, near Norwich, instructed specialist asbestos-related disease lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate whether it was linked to his work history.

Roger Lambert died in September 2023 from mesothelioma, a terminal cancer linked to exposure to asbestosRoger Lambert died in September 2023 from mesothelioma, a terminal cancer linked to exposure to asbestos (Image: Supplied)

Following his death his brother, Andrew, who he lived with, has now taken on his sibling’s quest for answers.

READ MORE: Lawyers investigate Thetford man's asbestos death

He is appealing to former workmates to come forward with information and is particularly keen to hear from anyone who worked at Bernard Matthews’ site in Great Witchingham.

He said: “When Roger started with his symptoms we knew it may be something serious but nothing prepared him for the news it was mesothelioma. Before his diagnosis we’d not even heard of the condition, but we now know how terrible it is.

“He went from being an outgoing and independent person to someone totally reliant on others. It was awful to see how the cancer took hold of him and robbed him of his life.

“Roger was determined to get to the bottom of how he came into contact with asbestos. While he couldn’t find out in time, the least I can do is take on his fight for answers. Hopefully I’ll be able to at least honour his memory.

“If any of his ex-workmates could come forward it could make all the difference.”

Roger's brother has appealed for information from fellow past workers at the chicken factory factory siteRoger's brother has appealed for information from fellow past workers at the chicken factory factory site (Image: Newsquest)

READ MORE: Bernard Matthews closes site at Great Witchingham in Norfolk

Roger joined Bernard Matthews in 1979. For most of his time he was based at the firm’s South Site where turkeys were raised, slaughtered and processed. Later, he worked at the North Site where birds were cooked for ready meals.

His main job was to truss turkeys but he had to cover absence in other departments. He told his legal team that the buildings had a lot of pipework which he believed may have been lagged in asbestos.

He also had to sweep up after maintenance teams which included dust from lagging and cladding which had been disturbed. He left the firm in 2009.

Anyone with information about the conditions Roger would have worked in should contact Samantha Pitts at Irwin Mitchell on 01223 791815 or email