Police are investigating the felling of a magnificent willow tree which had been standing in a woman's rural garden for a century.

Men with a flatbed truck and earthmover felled the specimen in Aisha Ali's front garden at Walpole Highway, between Wisbech and King's Lynn, on Tuesday afternoon.

They left the scene after a neighbour told them Ms Ali - who was not at her home on West Drove South when the tree was destroyed - was calling the police.

Vehicles photographed by a neighbour at scene of the tree fellingVehicles photographed by a neighbour at scene of the tree felling (Image: Supplied) Ms Ali, a 50-year-old consultant psychotherapist, said afterwards: "I am profoundly heartbroken and outraged by the mindless destruction of the willow tree on my property.

The willow tree in Aisha Ali's garden which was felled on TuesdayThe willow tree in Aisha Ali's garden which was felled on Tuesday (Image: Chris Bishop)

"This majestic tree, which had stood for over a century, was not just a part of my landscape but a living testament to local history and natural heritage."

She said several men had trespassed on her property to fell the tree, adding it was taken down without her permission.

Registration numbers of vehicles allegedly involved have been passed to police.

An image from Google showing the tree before it was felledAn image from Google showing the tree before it was felled (Image: Google)

When a neighbour confronted the workers, they initially said they were from a nearby farm, before claiming they had permission from Ms Ali's parents - who have both been dead for 10 years.

Another said they were working for "highway management" and were concerned about protecting expensive farm machinery from damage.

One woman who lives nearby said: "I've lived here 30 years and it's never caused a problem." 

Boughs from the felled tree at the roadside in Walpole HighwayBoughs from the felled tree at the roadside in Walpole Highway (Image: Chris Bishop)

Conservation group the Woodland Trust says it is an offence to cut down a tree of more than five cubic metres without permission.

There was outrage last September after the Gap Tree - a sycamore which had stood beside Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland for 200 years - was felled.

Two men have been charged with criminal damage to the specimen, said in court documents to be worth more than £620,000.

The willow tree which has been felled in Aisha Ali's gardenThe willow tree which has been felled in Aisha Ali's garden (Image: Chris Bishop)

Both deny the offence and a crown court trial is due to begin in December.

A spokesman for Norfolk police said: "Police are investigating an incident of criminal damage in Walpole Highway.

"An unknown person is believed to have cut down a tree at a property on West Drove South during the day on Tuesday, July 2 between 1-2pm."

The force said anyone with information should contact them online at https://www.norfolk.police.uk/tell-us quoting crime reference 36/46190/24, by calling 101 or via e-mail Alex.Cutts@norfolk.police.uk.