A charity which helps men combat isolation and loneliness has received a boost - after its members pounded a popular Norfolk walking route to raise much-needed funds.

Norwich Men's Shed member Adie Downing led an eight-mile sponsored walk from the charity's Pitt Street workshop, along the Marriott's Way to Drayton and back, to raise money for new workbenches.

Marriott's WayMarriott's Way (Image: Archant)

Mr Downing got involved with the shed when he was struggling with his own mental health with what he described as "dark thoughts". He is now an ambassador for the initiative.

He said: "It means the world to me. It certainly saved my life and has helped many others."

Adie Downing, from Norwich Men's ShedAdie Downing, from Norwich Men's Shed (Image: Norwich Men's Shed)

The Norwich Men's Shed gives men, who may struggle with loneliness, social isolation and mental health, a place to learn skills and create projects.

Set up in 2013, it also gives them the opportunity to talk to others, helping with wellbeing.

But after 10 years of constant hammering, the workbenches members use for woodworking were on their last legs, so they are making new ones.

The sponsored walk on June 29 was a way to raise money for materials.

The walk has doubled its £1,000 fundraising target, but the charity, which generates 30pc of its annual turnover through membership fees and making items to sell, would still welcome more sponsorship.

People can sponsor the group at www.justgiving.com/campaign/workbenches-for-wellbeing