A Great Yarmouth man has been remanded in custody accused of intimidating a witness by telling her he intended to “get her”. 

Tyron Lee, 61, was arrested by police officers moments after stepping out of the dock at Norwich Crown Court where he had denied assaulting a woman and revenge porn.

Prosecutors said police had been alerted that he had allegedly visited the home of the witness on the morning of the court appearance despite bail conditions banning him from contact.

At Norwich Magistrates’ Court he was accused of threatening her during a confrontation outside her property. 

READ MORE: Great Yarmouth man accused of revenge porn and assault

Lee, of Spencer Avenue, pleaded not guilty to intimidation with the intention of perverting the course of justice. 

However, he admitted breach of bail not to go to the address.

Magistrates ordered he remain in prison after declining jurisdiction and sending the case to Norwich Crown Court on July 18.

A date for him to stand trial for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and threatening to disclose sexual photos has already been set for October 13 next year.