Questions have been raised over whether a Banksy-like artwork that appeared on the A47 between South Brink and Elm hall is by the artist. 

Presented in the style of the critically-acclaimed artist, the piece depicts a young girl wearing a gas mask and was found in a lay-by. 

A member of the public who sent us a picture of the artwork, said: "Have you seen the lay-by between South Brink and Elm Hall roundabouts on the A47?

"I normally get to see all of the 'non family-friendly' scribbles on walls when I park up for a sleep in my lorry. This made a nice change from that."

This isn't the first time Banksy-like artwork has been discovered in Cambridgeshire. 

An Ely couple were left intrigued last year when they found a similar piece on their land, which they "strongly suspect" could be by the famous artist.

The artwork, which features two young children playing with a gun, reminded the couple of Banksy's signature style.

The pair believe that the art may have been linked to the conflict in Ukraine.

RECOMMENDED READING: Ely couple questions whether artwork on land is Banksy