A Norfolk community will soon be home to a new mental health facility despite objections from locals who fear the plans are an "overdevelopment" of their residential street. 

Broadland Council has approved proposals for the development in Reepham Road, Hellesdon, which will see two existing homes turned into eight supported housing units. 

The plans will see the properties extended and have led to concerns that the buildings will be out of scale compared to surrounding bungalows. 

Those living at the facility will be supported by two members of 24-hour staff and will use the accommodation as a stepping stone back into society after receiving mental health treatment.

READ MORE: Plans for 30 more homes in Broads village described as 'absolute insanity' by locals

Jo Copplestone, councillor for Coltishall, said she thought the extensions were an "overdevelopment" and raised concerns about a lack of sufficient parking and noise pollution.

"I think this will cause extreme problems for the local residents," she added.

However, other councillors argued that there was a pressing need for this sort of accommodation.

Eleanor Laming, councillor for Brundall, said: "Overall, I think the benefits of this outweigh the disadvantages.

"This will provide safe and secure accommodation for eight adults for which we know there is a need in the area."

The plans were approved by Broadland Council.