A swan is currently receiving medical care after being receiving two puncture wounds in a brutal attack.

The bird, which lives at the Selbrigg pond in Hempstead, near Holt, was found covered in blood at around 1.30pm on Tuesday afternoon. 

John Mears, who often walks in the area with his wife Val, saw his favourite swan swimming in the pond but said he looked discoloured.

Mr and Mrs Mears found the swan while out walking on Tuesday afternoonMr and Mrs Mears found the swan while out walking on Tuesday afternoon (Image: John Mears)

"I pulled out my binoculars and saw red all over him," Mr Mears recalled.

"I tried to bring him to the edge of the water and he eventually hopped out but he wasn't himself.

"He was clearly hurt and his head was just hanging, bowed down."

They immediately alerted the site's owner who took the swan to a local vet.

The animal has since been transported to the RSPCA centre at East Winch and is being treated with antibiotics.

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"It was horrible to see him like that," Mr Mears continued. 

"We have known him for a long time - he will run his bill on the back of my hand when we meet as his way of saying hello.

"None of the others in his group had a mark on them but he is quite a protective male so I imagine he must have jumped in to protect them."

'It was horrible to see him like that''It was horrible to see him like that' (Image: John Mears)

He added the wounds looked fresh but he could not see anyone else around the park.

A spokeswoman from RSPCA East Winch said: "We can confirm the poor swan suffered two puncture wounds, presumably after being attacked by another animal.

"We are currently making him comfortable and treating his injuries with antibiotics.

"We are very pleased to say that we think he will make a full recovery and we hope to be able to release him to his home in a few weeks."