A trainee pharmacy worker stole more than 1,100 boxes of diazepam worth almost £900 for onward supply, a court has heard.

Bethany Feltwell, 25, was working at the Well pharmacy in King's Lynn when she stole more than £870 worth of the Class C drug which is also known as Valium.

Norwich Crown Court heard Feltwell had expected to receive money from three men - who she had previously met - after she supplied them with the drugs.

Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest) Samantha Lowther, prosecuting, said Feltwell did not receive any payment and was told they would "dob her into the police" if she stopped supplying the drugs.

Mrs Lowther said Feltwell started working at the pharmacy just a month before the offences began.

An audit was carried out and discovered that of the 1,179 boxes of diazepam ordered by Feltwell only 17 were prescribed to patients.

Feltwell had stolen 1,162 boxes of the class C drug resulting in a total loss to the pharmacy of £871.50.

Feltwell, of West End, Hilgay, near Downham Market, appeared in court after admitting theft from an employee between October 2022 and May 2023 and being concerned in the supply of a class C drug. 

Emma Reed, mitigating, said she got drawn in by the "wrong people" through a partner she was with at the time.

She said Feltwell made a "very bad and stupid mistake" but having got involved "felt trapped by them".

Recorder John Hardy said a prison sentence was "inevitable" in the case, although he was able to suspend it.

He said she had "let down very badly" the "kind and decent people who gave you a career opportunity".

A tearful Feltwell was given a 12 month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

She was also given 100 hours unpaid work, ordered to carry out 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) and to pay back £871.50 in compensation.