Two prominent Age UK groups have joined forces to tackle common health issues faced by senior citizens.

Age UK Salford and Norwich will share information and resources on hydration and nutrition, improving care for the over 50s.

These health issues can have serious implications, with some older people becoming unwell or hospitalised.

Both Age UK groups have made it their mission to provide tools and knowledge to healthcare professionals and volunteers, aiming to safeguard the well-being of the elderly they serve.

Age UK Norwich and Salford Team Up to Share hydration and nutrition resources Age UK Norwich and Salford Team Up to Share hydration and nutrition resources (Image: Age UK)

Age UK Norwich, together with the University of East Anglia, developed a variety of hydration resources.

They are designed to support health professionals in determining whether their clients are adequately hydrated and to provide guidance on fluid intake adjustment if necessary.

The resources include training materials, a video with crucial information about hydration, a leaflet, and standalone details on drinking and toilet visits.

These resources can be accessed via the Age UK Norwich website.

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Age UK Salford has developed a nutrition-based programme consisting of five bite-sized training sessions.

The intention is to equip professionals with the knowledge to recognise, prevent, and offer guidance on malnutrition and dehydration risks in older people.

CEO of Age UK Norwich, Dan Skipper, said: “Too many people end up unwell or even hospitalised due to diet and drinking issues.

"Both can be a factor in falls, a common cause of hospitalisation in later life.

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"Any professional who supports older people, carers and family members can really benefit from knowing the basics, to help them look out for the risks.

"We need to prevent the preventable, which is why we’re trying to share this far-and-wide”