A new pond can be dug to turn a waterlogged field into a nature reserve.

West Norfolk Council has agreed plans to dig the 60 x 20m scrape in a low-lying corner of a field north of the A149 coast road at Holme, near Hunstanton.

A planning statement said the field has been saturated for months after heavy rainfall, with gases bubbling through surface water.

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It adds: "The proposed work intends to consider the introduction of some priority wildlife habitat, returning the soils to better health leading to a more biodiverse sward that can in turn be harvested for hay."

A planning officer's report said the pond would help replace habitats which may be lost to flooding.

Villager Tony Foster posted on the council's planning portal: "This sounds like a mini nature reserve in the making so I support the plan."

Holme once boasted several ponds dug in meadows around the village.