A village primary school which was ordered to improve two years ago is now celebrating after being told the behaviour of its pupils is outstanding.

In January 2022, Thurlton Primary School was given an Ofsted rating of "requires improvements" - the second lowest available in an inspection.

However, just two years later the education watchdog has praised the school's turnaround - including rating the behaviour of its pupils as outstanding.

The school, which is run by the Clarion Corvus Trust, has seen its rating boosted to good overall, with outstanding in the behaviour and attitudes category.

Inspectors praised an "exceptionally calm and quiet" atmosphere at the school, adding that pupils have a "clear sense of belonging".

The report adds that a newly adopted curriculum in the school had produced a positive impact and that behaviour in the class was "excellent".

Jess Balado, headteacher at the school, said: "After an intensive 18 months of input and development, we are extremely proud of what inspectors have said about our school.

"Progress in how we teach and deliver the curriculum, pupil outcomes, leadership and personal development are rightly recognised.

"However, we are particularly thrilled with what the inspectors have said about our school values and the behaviour and attitude of our pupils both in lessons and on a day-to-day basis."

In January 2022, inspectors had raised concerns that school leaders were not routinely checking how well pupils were learning.

They were also concerned that subject leaders did not have strong enough knowledge of their areas, due to being new to their roles.

However, this time inspectors praised the training teachers had received to ensure they were able to teach the curriculum effectively.

The report adds: "Lessons are carefully planned and pupils are clear about what they will learn by the end of the lesson."