A Norfolk council has warned that it is a matter of time "before someone is killed" after its bid to see the speed limit reduced on a major road was refused. 

Thurton Parish Council has urged Norfolk County Council to introduce new road safety measures along the A146, which runs through the village. 

A Freedom of Information request submitted by this paper showed that the speed camera at Thurton had been triggered thousands of times over the last few years. 

While County Hall has given the green light for improvements such as a new pedestrian crossing, improved signage and solar powered lighting at bus stops along the road, Thurton Parish Council fears that it could be years before work is under way. 

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Ian Capps, chairman of the council, said: "Norfolk County Council have shown little concern for the safety of elderly residents who cannot drive and rely on the public bus service.

"The traffic on this road has increased hugely, especially since the building of hundreds of houses in Loddon - lorries thunder through the village and the pedestrian refuge is barely wider than a push chair.

"Let’s hope measures are implemented to protect our children and elderly residents before someone is killed."

The A146 runs through the village of ThurtonThe A146 runs through the village of Thurton (Image: Nick Butcher)

While County Hall said it would support the road safety improvements, it refused the request to see the speed limit reduced to 30mph at Thurton, down from 40mph. 

A spokesman said: "To artificially set a speed limit too low can actually cause more safety problems as the difference in speed between the fastest and average speed of drivers increases. It can also lead to a lack of respect for speed limits in general.

"The current speed limits in these areas are appropriate."

Norfolk County Council has already agreed to reduce the speed limit on a different section of the A146 due to the development of Green Pastures Nursery, near the Mill Road junction, which is said to have increased traffic.