An MP hopeful has condemned vandals who defaced a sign promoting Liz Truss' campaign in her constituency.

The roadside poster, near Stoke Ferry, has been daubed with red paint to change the former PM's name to 'Liz Trump'.

In addition, a question mark has been added after the phrase: "Working for South West Norfolk".

James Bagge, a former 'Turnip Taliban' Tory rebel who is standing as an Independent against the former PM in the constituency, thinks such actions should be discouraged.

He said: "Frankly it's not playing cricket.

"Everyone should be entitled to put up placards where they have permission. That is a part of our freedom of speech.

"I do not condone this behaviour at all."

Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court before his trial in New York, Tuesday, May 14, 2024 (Image: PA)

READ MORE: Norfolk MP Liz Truss's trips around the globe revealed

Ms Truss did not wish to comment.

The former PM, who is supporting Mr Trump's bid for the White House, has been criticised by some in her constituency - including Mr Bagge - for the extent of her foreign travels, including visits to the US where she spoke at political events and promoted her book about her brief time in Downing Street.