Safety fears triggered by parked cars have prompted council leaders to agree to new double yellow lines in a Norfolk town.

Norfolk County Council says parked cars on a street in Long Stratton are causing congestion and forcing vehicles to drive on the wrong side of the road.

The concerns have prompted Graham Plant, the council's cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport to use his powers to get double yellow lines painted in Hill Farm Road, off the A140.

Graham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, transport and infrastructureGraham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, transport and infrastructure (Image: Norfolk County Council)

A new traffic regulation order means double yellow lines - banning drivers from parking at any time - will be painted in Hill Farm Road and at its junctions with the A140, Edges Lane and Field Acre Way.

Double yellow lines will be painted in Hill Farm Road in Long StrattonDouble yellow lines will be painted in Hill Farm Road in Long Stratton (Image: Google Street View)

Highways officers at Conservative-controlled Norfolk County Council said it would prevent congestion and stop vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road.

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Officers said the issue "has been around for several years" and needs to be tackled to improve road safety.

The council advertised the changes last summer, but received a number of objections.

Objectors said it would take away the available parking in the Hill Farm Road area, particularly for people living on the A140.

One said it was "unjustified and detrimental to the residents in the area".

Another said: "Not sure why the decision to restrict parking here has been taken, as cars only park on one side of the road and there is always plenty of space for vehicles to pass."

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But Mr Plant overruled the objections to allow the restrictions.

Alison Thomas, Conservative county councillor for Long StrattonAlison Thomas, Conservative county councillor for Long Stratton (Image: Archant)

Alison Thomas, Conservative county councillor for Long Stratton, said: "There has been considerable local concern about vehicles parked very close to the junction with the A140.

"Vehicles turning off the main road into the estate are met with people on the wrong side of the road because they are having to overtake parked vehicles."