A tin shed in a coastal village can be knocked down to make way for a new house as long as it does not become a second home.

John Hammond has been given outline permission to demolish the structure on Kenwood Road, at Heacham and build a new property and garage on the site.

A planning officer's report says Heacham's neighbourhood plan stipulates new developments must be "principal residences" and a restriction would be applied at the next stage of the planning process.

“Principal residences are defined as those occupied as the residents’ sole or main residence, where the residents spend the majority of their time when not working away from home," it adds.

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"The condition or obligation on new open market homes will require that they are occupied only as the primary residence of those persons entitled to occupy them."

The village was the first to agree restrictions on second homes two years ago amid concerns at the growing number of holiday properties in desirable coastal areas.

 Detailed plans must now be submitted for the new property.