Thetford community groups and charities are celebrating after they received a share of funding.

Thetford Town Council have allocated £25,000 as part of a Participatory Budgeting process, allowing the public to vote on who received the funding.

This new approach to funding, the first of its kind in Thetford, was introduced in response to the cost of living crisis, and its impact on the finances of various organisations.

The initiative saw a turnout of 209 individuals, a figure that exceeded the organiser's expectations.

Councillor Terry Land expressed delight over the success of the process, stating that seven community groups will benefit from this.

Recipients include Abbey Action Group (£2,500), Charles Burrell Museum (£5,000), Growkids (£5,000), Thetford Cricket Club (£5,000), Thetford Scouts (£3,500), Thetford Meet Up (£2,850), and Thetford Music Project (£1,150).

Mr Land explained: "The money was a windfall due to careful financial management by Thetford Town Council that resulted in an underspend for the financial year which we redirected to this new purpose."

For more details, contact Thetford Town Council at