Council bosses have continued to guard the exact locations of two new schools - despite having already confirmed which trusts will run them.

Norfolk County Council revealed plans last August for two new special schools in Downham Market and Great Yarmouth respectively, which will create a combined 270 places.

It is hoped the new schools will be able to welcome their first pupils in September 2026 and last week, County Hall confirmed the identities of two academy trusts to run the sites.

However, the precise locations of the new sites have not yet been revealed, despite bosses having admitted they have been identified.

A spokesman for Norfolk County Council said: "We are continuing to work with the Department for Education on the next steps, including securing sites and planning permission.

"Ahead of any planning applications being submitted, we will share any proposals with the local community.

"Both schools are expected to open in 2026."

It comes after confirmation of which organisations will be running the sites.

The Downham Market site is set to be run by the Eastern Learning Alliance, while Unity Schools Partnership will be in charge of the Yarmouth school.

Planning applications are due to be submitted for the sites in due course, which the county council will be required to consider itself.

The plans for the sites are being worked up by the Department for Education, which is leading on the scheme.

It comes at a time of growing demand for school places for children with special educational needs and disabilities nationwide, particularly in Norfolk. 

The county council previously launched an initiative called the Local First Inclusion programme, which is aiming to create scores of new places for SEND children.

But earlier this year, bosses warned the scheme was "off track" and likely to be facing an £11.8m deficit in 2028/29.