More than 200 primary pupils from five Norfolk schools experienced a special careers event.

The 'skills escalator day', for children aged six or seven, was organised by the Eastern Eduction Group.

It was held at Thetford's Charles Burrell Centre, with Queensway Academy, Drake Primary School, Raleigh Infant School and Nursery, Norwich Road Academy, all in Thetford, and SENDAT Duke of Lancaster Academy, in Fakenham, all involved.

Eastern Daily Press: Youngsters from Raleigh Primary School with the lettuces they planted thanks to a session with G's Fresh Youngsters from Raleigh Primary School with the lettuces they planted thanks to a session with G's Fresh (Image: Submitted)

Organisations taking part included Baxter Healthcare, BT, G’s Fresh, Norfolk Police, and UK Power Networks.

Interactive sessions provided an insight into the world of work.

Eastern Daily Press: Two youngsters plant an iceberg lettuce at careers day Two youngsters plant an iceberg lettuce at careers day (Image: Submitted)

Victoria Fiebelkorn, from the Eastern Education Group, said: "Skills Escalator Days directly link school children with the world of work, to allow them to see and talk to people from industry to build in them a lifelong curiosity and passion for their future careers."

Eastern Daily Press: Industry representatives inspire career curiosity in Norfolk pupils Industry representatives inspire career curiosity in Norfolk pupils (Image: Submitted)

Nicky Emberson, a special teaching assistant at the Duke of Lancaster School in Fakenham, said: "We want to get our students out working in society in the future so thinking about it now is the right thing to do. We are grateful to be involved.”