A man has claimed he was being threatened at knifepoint when he drove at high speed during a police chase.

Shaveh Daley, 29, was at the wheel of a Jeep when it was allegedly driven over pavements without its lights on during the pursuit down 20mph residential streets in Norwich.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard the police officer pursuing him had described it as some of the worst driving he had ever seen and that it was “a miracle no-one was killed or seriously injured”.

Daley, of Tutte Gardens in Newmarket, pleaded not guilty to dangerous driving and fraud by giving an insurance company a false date of birth. 

READ MORE: Attleborough man hit 100mph during Norwich police chase

Sarah Fiddy, prosecuting, said the vehicle had initially been stopped on Taylor Road on November 11 last year but had driven off at high speed down Larkman Lane and Earlham Green Lane.

Michael Cole, or Daley, said he had been threatened into driving off by a passenger with a knife and repeatedly stabbed to keep driving.

He will stand trial at Norwich Crown Court with a preliminary hearing on June 11.