Critics have called a landmark seafront building a "monumental mistake" after years of problems which have left a Norfolk council with a £1m repair bill.

North Norfolk District Council has agreed to spend the hefty sum to remedy numerous issues affecting Cromer's Rocket House, which include damp and corrosion.

But it has left one councillor questioning why the structure, just above the beach at the end of the town Esplanade, was ever built in the first place.

Eastern Daily Press: Angie Fitch-Tillet, leader of the Independent Group at North Norfolk District CouncilAngie Fitch-Tillet, leader of the Independent Group at North Norfolk District Council (Image: Archant Norfolk 2016)READ MORE: Review under way of dog bans at some of Norfolk's most popular beaches

Angie Fitch-Tillet, who leads the Independent Group at the authority, said at a cabinet meeting this week that the council ignored warnings about the hazards of the location when plans were first proposed in the early 2000s.

It has suffered two storm surges since it was built, in 2007 and again in 2013.

Coastal engineers were also reportedly not consulted at the time.

She said: "I don't want to say 'we told you so' but you have been left in an unenviable position of having to support a project that you know to be a monumental mistake. 

"You have been left between a rock and a hard place and no one is brave enough to stop investing in this foolhardy scheme."

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The Rocket House has been plagued with problems in recent years, which have resulted in the RNLI considering moving its Henry Blogg Museum due to chronic damp issues.

However, the café continues to be in operation.

Eastern Daily Press: Tim Adams, leader of North Norfolk District CouncilTim Adams, leader of North Norfolk District Council (Image: NNDC)

Tim Adams, leader of the Liberal Democrat-controlled council said he was only 11 years old when plans for the building were first approved and acknowledged it is a challenging situation.

"Rocket House is important for the future of the area and its continued economic prosperity," said Mr Adams.

"We are not in an ideal position but this is the most logical way forward."

He added that the damp issues were a relatively simple problem but it was proving complex to solve. 

Cabinet members voted unanimously to approve the £1m restoration of the building.