An Insight to Easter

As spring begins to emerge and flowers sprout fresh new growth, the Christian festival of Easter arrives. Easter celebrations for many commonly include chocolate Easter eggs and honouring Jesus after his resurrection. But for Christians, Easter is also an important journey connecting them with God.

Easter is often marked with services and events throughout the week from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday, known as Holy week. The week consists of Maundy Thursday acknowledging the Last Supper, Good Friday when Jesus was nailed to the cross, and Holy Saturday when Christians mourned Jesus’ death. These days alongside others are marked by services, holy communion, and sermons, when Christians have time to fully connect with God and understand what Easter means to them.

Easter can be a time of reflection to be grateful for the sacrifice Jesus made for Christians’ sins, and many Christians believe it a key celebratory time to solidify their faith with prayers and worship. Additionally, Easter lends itself to being a good opportunity to join the community together with the joy of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

I had the pleasure of speaking to the Archdeacon of Suffolk, Rich Henderson, last weekend on Palm Sunday after an Easter service. It was great to be able to talk about Easter and how Holy week can positively affect the church community. Rich said, ‘Holy Week is a journey of emotions; through the walk to the cross and the pain of Good Friday, but it also takes us into the key celebration of being Christian at Easter Sunday and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.’ Additionally Rich spoke about the loving church community: ‘Churches are a place of gathering for people and individuals. There is something about Easter that draws people to a church.’  It is certainly a wonderful time in the Christian calendar, both to celebrate Jesus and bring people together in the community.

Happy Easter!