A former soldier who was found slumped in his car by police after drinking a bottle of vodka was more than four times the drink drive limit.

Wayne Tomlinson admitted being in charge of his stationary Mini Cooper while over the alcohol limit on Cross Bank Road, at King's Lynn, on January 8, when he appeared before Lynn magistrates' court.

Stephen Munton, prosecuting, said the driver's door of the car was open when officers came across it while on patrol in the area.

He added the car's blower was on and Tomlinson, 56, had one of his legs hanging out of the vehicle.

He could barely support himself after officers extracted him from the vehicle and provided a breath test reading of 156mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath after being arrested. The legal limit is 35.

The court heard Tomlinson, of Wootton Road, Gaywood, had recently lost his job and had drank a bottle of vodka before driving to Lynn docks, after having a row with his wife.

In mitigation, George Sorrell said he was "a good man" who had no previous convictions and had been in the army, where he had seen active service in "various locations".

He said the experiences he had in the army had left him suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and back problems.

Mr Sorrell said Tomlinson, who was wearing shorts on a cold January evening, had got into his car to keep warm and had not intended to drive it.  

He added his client could not have driven even if he had wanted to because he was so drunk.

Magistrates banned Tomlinson from driving for nine months. He was also fined £361 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £144 and costs of £105.