A drink driving pensioner crashed into another car while he was three times the limit on the Royal Estate.

Stephen Birrell, 66, admitted drink driving at Sandringham on January 7 when he appeared before King's Lynn magistrates.

The bench heard he was behind the wheel of a Ford Fiesta which collided with another vehicle, at the junction of the A149 and Folly Hill.

Stephen Munton, prosecuting, said Birrell was unable to make the turn due to the speed he was approaching the junction at and crashed into the other car, triggering the airbags in both vehicles.

Witnesses at the scene could smell alcohol on Birrell's breath and there were empty cider bottles in the car, the court was told. He had earlier been seen driving erratically in nearby Dersingham.

Birrell, of Donkey Pond Hill, Sandringham provided a breath test which showed 119mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath after his arrest. The legal limit is 35.

He told officers he had drank two bottles of cider, was ashamed at what he had done and relieved that nobody had been seriously injured.

In a victim statement read out in court, the woman who was driving the other vehicle said the crash had left her anxious and made her question her ability to keep her eight-year-old daughter, who was in the car at the time safe.

"I can still hear the scream she let out when that car hit us," she said. "What the man who hit us did was his decision, he decided to switch his engine on when he was drunk."

George Sorrell, for Birrell, said he had no previous convictions and had shown "considerable remorse".

Magistrates sentenced Birrell to 200 hours' unpaid work and banned him from driving for 28 months, which could be reduced by 28 weeks if he takes a safe driving course.

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £114 and costs of £105.