A 40-year-old has been jailed for twice raping another man as they were on their way home from a barbecue more than 20 years ago.

Shaun Gilder launched his attack after the victim, who was a teenager at the time, stopped his car to allow him to get out to be sick on land near the James Paget Hospital in Gorleston in May 2004.

Jailing him for eight years, Judge Andrew Shaw, said Gilder had been - in the words of the victim - "on a mission" and "wouldn't take no for an answer".

Before the sentencing, the court heard a statement on behalf of the victim - who cannot be named for legal reasons - who said he had suffered bouts of depression and considered suicide as a result.

He initially suffered rejection from his grandparents, who he was "extremely close to" after his sexuality became known as a result of him reporting the offences.

Although he has been able to rebuild this relationship the victim has, since 2004, "struggled" to enter pubs, where people are intoxicated, for fear of being attacked or assaulted.

Eastern Daily Press: James Paget University Hospital in GorlestonJames Paget University Hospital in Gorleston (Image: Newsquest)An earlier trial at Norwich Crown Court heard that the attack happened in the early hours of May 22, 2004, after the victim stopped the car near the hospital to allow Gilder to be sick.

As the man helped him back to the vehicle, Gilder became "aggressive" and pushed him against the car and raped him.

Eastern Daily Press: Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)Gilder, formerly of Norwich, but latterly of Chestnut Avenue, Oulton Broad, near Lowestoft, then sexually assaulted the victim before he dragged him into the car and raped him a second time ignoring "repeated pleas" to stop.

Eastern Daily Press: Shaun GilderShaun Gilder (Image: Facebook)He appeared in court for sentencing on Tuesday after being found guilty of two counts of rape and one of assault by penetration following a nine-day trial which ended in November.Eastern Daily Press: Judge Andrew ShawJudge Andrew Shaw (Image: Newsquest)Judge Shaw accepted the offences happened when Gilder himself was "very young" but said he had caused the victim "severe" psychological and physical harm.

Quentin Hunt appeared at the hearing on behalf of Gilder and said it was an incident that "lasted minutes as opposed to hours or days".

He said Gilder was a man "capable of significant goodness" and that the offences were very much out of character.

Gilder was put on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.