A major search operation is under way on one of the largest and most remote of the Norfolk Broads after a missing man's boat was found abandoned in the reeds, with his dog wandering nearby.

David Cubberley was last seen over a week ago but the search for him was only launched at the weekend after his 20ft cabin cruiser was found adrift on Hickling Broad.

The deserted boat was discovered by in reeds at the edge of the broad at around 3pm on Saturday by fishermen who raised the alarm.

Eastern Daily Press: David Cubberley is understood to live on his boat David Cubberley is understood to live on his boat (Image: Norfolk Police)

At around 8am on the same day, his dog was found by a member of the public on land nearby. The animal was taken to a local vet.

Mr Cubberley is understood to live on his boat, 'Fun 4 Us 2', which is normally moored at Hickling's Pleasure Boat staithe, around half a mile from where it was found adrift.

His disappearance has sparked a huge search operation, involving Norfolk police, the Fire and Rescue Service, the Coastguard, and lifeboat crews from Hemsby.

Eastern Daily Press: The 'Fun 4 Us 2'The 'Fun 4 Us 2' (Image: Sonya Duncan)

They have been scouring the surrounding waterways and marshes ever since, using a search plane, helicopter, boats and drones.

Hickling is the largest and most remote of the broads.

It covers 600 acres and is almost entirely surrounded by dense reedbeds with very little of it accessible by land.

Eastern Daily Press: The search is still under wayThe search is still under way (Image: Sonya Duncan)

It is one of the areas of the broads worst hit by recent flooding.

The water levels rose again over the weekend following more heavy rainfall, making search conditions more challenging.

The broad itself is connected to the rest of the waterways by another large, remote expanse of open water called Heigham Sound.

The fishermen who found Mr Cubberley's boat adrift on Saturday used a mudweight to secure it while they raised the alarm.

They are understood to have then taken the first police officers on the scene out to the stricken vessel, because there was no land access.

The boat, a Weston 670 cabin cruiser, was later towed to Potter Heigham.

Eastern Daily Press: The boat was searched at Potter HeighamThe boat was searched at Potter Heigham (Image: Sonya Duncan)

It was moored near the A149 bridge on Monday afternoon, where search and rescue officials were seen searching the inside of the boat.

Hickling villagers said they would often see Mr Cubberley riding his bicycle around the village.

Eastern Daily Press: Search and rescue officials were seen searching the boat and entering the overtopping River ThurneSearch and rescue officials were seen searching the boat and entering the overtopping River Thurne (Image: Sonya Duncan)
His bike remained strapped to the top of the boat as it was being searched.

Police said he was last seem on February 11 and described him as being white, of slim build with shoulder length white hair.

Officers are appealing for information from anyone who may have seen him or knows of his current whereabouts