A woman has been forced to abandon her weekend home on the north Norfolk coast after sewage flooded her garden and flowed into her property.

Over the Christmas period Lucinda Wright, 59, was unable to flush the loo at her property off Broad Lane, at Brancaster, near Hunstanton.

Then water began bubbling up from manhole covers into her front garden, including toilet paper and other unsavoury items.

Eastern Daily Press: Lucinda Wright with the puddle which has formed outside her property containing raw sewageLucinda Wright with the puddle which has formed outside her property containing raw sewage (Image: Chris Bishop)

By January, a foul-smelling puddle had formed several inches deep, which remains outside.

"I haven't been able to use the house for four weeks, I've contacted every agency including the MP and so far there's been no help," she said.

Anglian Water, which is responsible for maintaining the sewer system has told Ms Wright in an e-mail it is investigating the issue and will respond by February 28.

Eastern Daily Press: Toilet paper in the puddle outside Lucinda Wright's propertyToilet paper in the puddle outside Lucinda Wright's property (Image: Chris Bishop)

It said in a statement: "The pumping station in Brancaster is currently being tankered due to the high levels of surface water which is overwhelming the foul system which is working as it should be.

"However, we’re tankering to try to help free up some capacity in the network whilst ground water levels are high due to the heavy rainfall that we saw earlier this week.

"Our local technician has been in touch with the resident who will be arranging a visit and we’ll help with the clear up once the surface water levels have abated." 

Eastern Daily Press: Lucinda Wright's property at Brancaster, which has suffered flooding from an overflowing sewerLucinda Wright's property at Brancaster, which has suffered flooding from an overflowing sewer (Image: Chris Bishop)

But antiques dealer Ms Wright, who works in London, said the firm had not yet been in touch to arrange a visit to her property.

She fears furniture and appliances in part of the three-bedroom house have been damaged by water seeping inside.

"I've got all my white goods in there, I haven't been able to get into my utility bit because I didn't want to walk through poo," she said. "I can't do anything until it subsides."

Eastern Daily Press: Part of Broad Lane, which runs alongside Ms Wright's property, has also floodedPart of Broad Lane, which runs alongside Ms Wright's property, has also flooded (Image: Chris Bishop)

Parts of the coast have been beset with flooding problems in recent weeks.

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READ MORE: Public meeting about flooding in Burnham Market

Eastern Daily Press: Flooding on Broad Lane, at BrancasterFlooding on Broad Lane, at Brancaster (Image: Chris Bishop)

Part of Broad Lane, which runs past Ms Wright's property has also been flooded by water welling up through manhole covers, which she fears may also have contained sewage.

Toilet paper could be seen near the verge of the leafy route, which is used by walkers and cyclists to access the nearby marshes and beach.

"There are people walking through it going to the beach with their dogs and their kids," she said.

"There's no warning sign saying don't walk through it, there's sewage. What I can't get my head around is no-one's taking any responsibility."

Eastern Daily Press: Water has been running off the road into the garden of a neighbouring property after welling up from a manhole coverWater has been running off the road into the garden of a neighbouring property after welling up from a manhole cover (Image: Chris Bishop)

Water was leaking from other manhole covers near her property.

Both the Environment Agency and Norfolk County Council said Ms Wright should contact Anglian Water.

Regarding the footpath, a spokesman at County Hall said its highways team were aware of the issue, adding: "Our team will be working with Anglian Water to ensure the path is safe and accessible for the public."

Eastern Daily Press: Homes off Broad lane at Brancaster have suffered from flooding after sewers overflowedHomes off Broad lane at Brancaster have suffered from flooding after sewers overflowed (Image: Chris Bishop)

North West Norfolk MP James Wild said: "I’ve raised this case urgently with Anglian Water and there has been tankering to free up the network and Anglian Water has also said they will be contacting her directly and plan to visit the property."

The National Trust, which owns the nearby marshes and beach, wants to connect public toilets to the mains sewer near Ms Wright's home

Anglian Water has said the move will not exacerbate flooding.