From road closures to licence applications, organisations across Norfolk have posted the following public notices over the past few weeks. 

1. Temporary road closure

An overnight road closure is due to begin on February 26 to resurface Unthank Road.

The work, which is being carried out by Norfolk County Council, is expected to take three nights to complete and will take place between 8.00pm and 6.00am.

The section of road between the Grapes Hill roundabout and Unthank Road will be closed while work takes place but Grapes Hill roundabout and Unthank Road will stay open throughout.

Signed diversion routes will be in operation.

2. Claims to the estate of Caroline Seymour

Anyone having a claim against or an interest in the estate of Caroline Seymour of 128 Norwich Road in Norwich, who died on August 29,  is asked to send a written notice to the address below on or before March 25. 

After this date, the estate will be distributed as per the notices received. 

This notice was issued by Heritage Limited at 13 Hellesdon Park Road, Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5DR.

3. Temporary road crossing 

A temporary crossing will be in place at the toucan crossing on Barrack Street next to the Nuffield Health Norwich Fitness and Wellbeing Gym while work is carried out to replace the traffic lights.

Work, starting on February 19, is expected to take five days to complete and the project will cost £23,000.

The Norfolk County Council notice states that the work will involve the removal and replacement of the traffic lights with new equipment and also work under the road to fit new underground ducting and cabling.

Find, save and share public notice at the Public Notices Portal

4. Intention to prepare an environmental statement

The Broads Internal Drainage Board has plans to carry out improvement works to 13 pumping stations within the River Thurne catchment.

It will also include repairs to the culvert under the River Thurne at Thurne Boat Dyke and replacement of the culvert under the River Thurne at Somerton Boat Dyke.

The works are expected to have significant effects on the environment and the Board plans to make an environmental statement.

Environmental reports can be viewed on request from Thomas Jones (Project Delivery Engineer), Broads Internal Drainage Board, Pierpoint House, 28 Horsley's Fields, Kings Lynn, PE30 5DD.

5. Operating centre for a goods vehicle and trailer

Mirage Engineering Services Ltd at Rookery Business Park is applying for a licence to use its Besthorpe location as an operating centre for a goods vehicle and trailer. 

Owners or occupiers of land near the operating centre, who believe their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, Leeds, LS9 6NF.

Anybody contacting the Traffic Commissioner should send a copy to Mirage Engineering Services Ltd.

6. Application for marine licence 

Orsted Hornsea Project Three (UK) Limited has applied to the Marine Management Organisation under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 for a marine licence to temporarily place rock bags within the Hornsea Three array area.

The firm wants to do this to prevent pipes from protruding out into the water column.

Copies of the application and relevant information can be found via the Marine Licence Register.