A new exhibition showcasing works by local artist Christopher Thomas Page is providing a colourful snapshot of King’s Lynn in the first half of the 20th century.

It runs until April in the Fermoy Gallery at St George’s Guildhall on King Street.

Eastern Daily Press: A view of Lynn waterfront by CT PageA view of Lynn waterfront by CT Page (Image: Guildhall of St George)

The free exhibition features a selection of Page’s colourful watercolours of town scenes. Page lived in King's Lynn from the 1880s until his death in 1952.

He took a great interest in the town's heritage and was a skilled taxidermist and the first paid curator of the town's museum and art gallery.

Eastern Daily Press: Purfleet Bridge by CT PagePurfleet Bridge by CT Page (Image: Guildhall of St George)

READ MORE: Shakespeare's stage found in ancient guildhall

Views on show include Common Staithe Quay, the Purfleet Bridge and Greyfriars Tower.

An exhibition of art by children from three Lynn primary schools is also on display in the Shakespeare Barn at the Guildhall.

Eastern Daily Press: Greyfriars Tower by CT PageGreyfriars Tower by CT Page (Image: Guildhall of St George)

Pupils looked at buildings in King’s Lynn, both old and modern, and sketched architectural features before producing a painting of a building that is significant to them.  The paintings were then put together to form a group collage.

The exhibition of children’s artwork runs until Saturday, March 2.